Friday 28 June 2013

Editing Organisation

Before i could start any editing i needed to make sure all of my footage was organised neatly, as i knew that i had a lot and it all needed t be in a specific order. To organise my work i first of all collected all my footage, images, song downloads and anything else relevant to my music video in one place. I first collected all the footage in a folder labelled MUSIC VIDEO and placed this on my desktop. Within in this folder i created additional folders, labelled - Boards, Footage, and Images. also in this folder was the audio.
I did not label the images as i did not feel it was relevant, the images were to show the characters, in make up, setting up on location, the OH&S, and these were all clear to see without labeling them. i feel that if i were to label them i would be wasting time. if i had a larger time scale i would have labelled all the images.


Within the folder labelled footage i organised the footage further. i knew that i wanted to break the narrative of my film into different section, so to make it easier when editing i placed all like footage for a scene in the same folder.

Within these folders i labelled all the clips, saying what shot type they were, the action that is seen with in the clip, what day it was shot on and weather the clip when wrong or not. all of this would help when it came to editing. i would be able to quickly select footage and know if it was usable without having to watch through all the footage again.


By doing this it will hopefully help to make my work more efficient, whilst also letting me know what footage i don't have that i need due to forgetting, running out of time, bad weather or the outcome of the footage was of poor quality.

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