Day One

Everything and everybody was ready by 11 am. when we set out the weather was dull and cold, however it was not raining. when we got on location the rain started, to begin with it was a drizzle, so we continued with the shoot. however after 20 minutes the rain began to pour down and we had to leave location.
I had planned to have the most of the footage filmed on this first day and any extra footage i needed, if i were to forget to include any clips or poor quality of footage, i would schedule another day and obtain the footage then. due to the rain i had to re schedule all of the shoot. the next day that everybody was available was the following friday, so i planned another shoot for then as the weather was forecast to be pleasant.
Day Two
The shoot on the second day went a lot better than that on the first. the weather was forecast to be partly cloudy, however it turn out to be very sunny and hot.
The amount of sun was a problem for the outcome of the footage (see footage evaluation post).
On this day we managed to get the majority of the footage before some of the actors had to leave, (we had planned to film from 1pm to 5pm, we kept to this time schedule).
Because some of the actors were playing two or more characters i brought all the costumes and make to set with us that was needed, and once i had all the footage for the first character that they were playing, i prepped them for the next character.
Day Three
This was not a planned day on location. however when i began editing i realised that i didn't have enough footage of the two main characters (the little girl and the older girl). i asked the two actors who played these characters if they were willing to shoot again and they were find with it, so we planned another day on location. shooting on this day was later than the other two days, as it was such short notice i was not able to get the day of work. however it was nice day so the sun was up for longer and still out when we went shooting.
when on location there were few problems. On day one the weather was especially bad, however this was out of my control, i knew that there was a chance of rain so set out early, before it was due, however the rain came early.
on day two the shoot went to plan and ran smoothly. i am very happy with the out come of the footage and the amount of the footage i obtained on this day. the third day also went smoothly.
when on location there were few problems. On day one the weather was especially bad, however this was out of my control, i knew that there was a chance of rain so set out early, before it was due, however the rain came early.
on day two the shoot went to plan and ran smoothly. i am very happy with the out come of the footage and the amount of the footage i obtained on this day. the third day also went smoothly.
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