Wednesday 1 May 2013


Advertsing is an important source of income for many of the media products that we watch, listen to, read and inexact with. The amount of advertising spaces that are availible on commercial television stations and radio stations is highly noticeable. Advertising can also be seen in music videos, of with the band/group/singer, wearing, using, drinking etc branded products.

Advertsing is such an important part in media production today, because more and more money is being put into a production. due to this a large audience needs to be attracted to begin to recover the costs and also earn additional revenue - from DVD, albums, single downloads etc for example.

Similarly, the companies who have paid money to have their products and services averted in a glossy lifestyle magazine or prime time soap, expect and demand a quality product that will reach their desired audience. Because of these pressures and demands, media companies put a lot of time and effort into thoroughly researching a product to ensure that it will attract the right audience and that this audience will react to it in the appropriate way. they also plan the production process thoroughly, and make use of the latest technology and techniques to ensure that their product has the desired values to compete effectively in the media marketplace.

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