I tested the white balance on the camera, indoors on a window sill, so that I still had the natural light shining in. I used a white mug and put it in a location with a white background, I did this because the contrast will be seen better with white objects and surroundings rather than with a blue cup on a darker background.
The outdoor conditions at the time of shooting were: -
I have taken still images, with different K values to show the white balance and adjusted the I.S.O to compliment the image (for the majority of the images the I.S.O is the same and only two differ).
From this you can see that the lower the K value (like 2500K) the deeper the blue tint to the image and the higher the K value (like 14000K) the deeper the red/orange tint to image. At 4500K the image looked the same as it did through my eyes.